Anxiety is one feeling people experience day in and out. The feeling is perfectly normal but there are people with generalized anxiety disorder, and it’s a different ball game all together. The feeling of anxiety is much more constant for these people and this starts to get on to their daily life and work. The disorder is known to impact at least one person in every 50, at some point in their lifetimes and can give a real bad time. The disorder has its physical and psychological symptoms and most common during the 20s. The disorder creates lot of lull in ones life and it becomes difficult to perform even the regular tasks.
The symptoms are known to be developing with time and do not show up suddenly. The experience can be different for different people and some basic psychological symptoms are restlessness, sense of irritation, feeling edgy, easily distracted. The disorder also causes change in behavior and the reaction style. Even physically there could be something to sight like, dry mouth, excessive sweating, stomach ache, headache, excessive thirst, frequent urine passing and difficulty in sleeping. Also the sense about which you feel anxious is not clear and one gets even more confused by that. The patients with this disorder find it hard to remember when it was the last time they had a good time.
The exact cause is still not fully understood but also seen to differ from person to person. There are some evidences which say that the state is causes by the imbalance of specific chemicals in the brain and that could trigger the uneasiness. The causes can be numerable but the combination is tricky, which makes it hard to find the root cause. As according to the researchers, the conditions may have some reasons in genetics, environment or life experiences.
If the anxiety starts to affects the daily life then it’s a must to visit the doctor for consultation. The diagnosis can be difficult and could be probed with inputs from the patient. The doctor would need to ask questions related to feelings and reactions to find out the exact condition and that may probe a physical investigation further.
There can be psychological treatment and medication as per the situation. Under psychological treatment, it could be a cognitive behavioral therapy, which could be quite an effective treatment. Patient can be put to a self help which could include positive thinking, exercises, diet changes etc. The drinking may also need to be cut down. It is the same for smoking in excess to relieve the anxiety. There could also be an alternate medication, short term medication or long term medication depending on the severity of the situation.
Support Organizations:
There are support organizations for the cause like
First steps to freedom:
National phobic’s society:
No panics
These organization charge fee according to their policies and undertake the patient through various methodologies for treatment and getting them to open up, which would initiate the self help way of treatment.