
Aphasia is a disorder caused by damages in the brain area. The disorder is caused in the part of the brain, which is responsible for controlling language. The trigger is done by a stroke or a head injury which can even lead to problems in daily life and during talking, speaking, and writing or trying to use any numbers around. The disorder can take a bad shape completely affecting the routine tasks. Another issue rising with the disorder is the belief of people that persons suffering from Aphasia lose their intelligence completely, adding fuel to fire. The statistics about the disorder from UK is around 250,000 people with this disorder and many under the age of 65.


The effect and symptoms are variable. There could be quite mild effect on one person who feels not been able to concentrate or unable to recollect certain words, but for many others it becomes a situation where they can not read, write or speak at all, which is the extremities of the disorder. The disorder has two forms, largely Broca’s Aphasia and Wernicke’s aphasia. The first one is caused due to the damaged front lobe in brain and leads to people not being able to speak or utter words. In case of wenicke’s aphasia, the cause is damage to temporal lobe and causes people to speak but then make long sentences and loosing any sense of what they are speaking and what they want to communicate.


The major cause is the damage to the areas of brain which are responsible for handling the language and could be due to a Stroke or a specific head injury to the patient. The cause can also be a brain tumor or certain neurological condition.


The diagnostic is quite straight away and can be done while speaking to the person. The language therapists should be able to make out and also judge the severity of the situation. During diagnosis, one could make out if it’s a weakness in throat or mouth and also the type of Aphasia. The therapists should also be able to provide a proper treatment plan according to the completion of the diagnostic process.


The treatment is recommended by the diagnosing therapist. The therapy for people with this disorder would help them improve communication skill, new communication methodologies, adapting to new situation and regaining confidence lost. Family members of the patients also gain from the therapy about the understanding of the correct position of the patient, helping the family member and learning to become supportive to the person. The therapy can also teach people who communicate with a patient to improve their way so that the communication is simple and helps the patient rather than disorienting them.


Complications are brought in by depression and lack of support from peers.


The preventive measures include keeping a healthy lifestyle and also avoid any event of stroke. People with high blood pressure or heart attack history should be able to get a regular check-up done with the doctor. A healthy diet is recommended any day of the year and drinking and smoking in excess is to be avoided.

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