This is a disease caused by virus and spread by mosquitoes. Most of the reported cases are of mild ones and the chief symptoms are headache and fever. But in Asian countries, where it is mostly seen, 60% of the affected people have the condition aggravated with considerable brain damage and ultimately death.
The disease outbreak is more seen in areas with pig and rice farms which have conditions favouring the growth and multiplication of mosquitoes. It is noted that the disease spreads mostly in the summer season. The disease is spread when a mosquito after biting an infected person or animal bites an uninfected one. The viruses are thus transmitted to a healthy person.
In most people, symptoms are limited to only flu-like ones that disappear soon. But in others manifestations might be severe. They will have head ache, fever, vomiting, and tiredness and even may suffer from encephalitis, described as the inflammatory condition of brain.
A detailed examination of the blood sample will help to detect the causative organism. Even antibodies produced by the body may be present in the blood. The person also may be subjected to a CT or MRI scan to detect the involvement of brain.
There is no precise treatment for this condition currently. Treatment is aimed at minimising the symptoms and inducing comfort. This includes maintenance of fluid volume, control of temperature, pain relief etc. Some people recover completely, but about 30% of them will have abnormalities with speech and brain functions even after the treatment.
Currently vaccines are available that can offer protection against Japanese encephalitis. It comprise of three injections taken over four weeks and will aid protection for a year. A booster dose will extend the protection for three years.
Side effects of vaccine are slight pain, redness, fever, muscle ache, head ache.
At times, certain people may develop hypersensitivity reaction including rashes, swellings and difficulty in breathing.
Whenever possible sleep in rooms that has covered doors and windows.
When sleeping in open air, always use a mosquito net and use repellents.
Use repellent sprays within the room to kill all mosquitoes
Avoid water stagnating near the premises that will be a breeding ground for mosquitoes
Apply mosquito repellent creams all over the exposed areas.