An adult as well as children may suffer from Respiratory distress Syndrome, which is an infection caused by fluids affecting the lungs which cause it to stop working correctly. For proper functioning of lungs, intake of oxygen is a must. In case of respiratory distress Syndrome, the condition prevents oxygen from getting into lungs as well into blood. Lungs becoming stiff lead to breathing problems. As per the study conducted, 10% of all premature babies get affected with respiratory distress syndrome. In case of infants this disease is known as hyaline membrane disease. In adults, it can occur when a person is injured and lungs get affected with it.
Symptoms of the Respiratory Distress Syndrome come into affect within 24 hours or 48 hours. General symptoms of this disease are shallow and difficulty in breathing. Due to abnormal breathing conditions, oxygen supply gets reduced in lungs and blood. The patient’s body turns blue and heart beat increases, leading to a condition similar to heart attack. In this case, immediate treatment would be required in the absence of which it could even lead to death of the patient. In case of babies, due to abnormal breathing condition, the body gets swollen. If respiratory distress Syndrome affects infant, after birth then doctor would admit the baby to hospital for proper treatment of the condition. In any other case also it’s always recommended to seek medical help as soon as possible.
The blood vessels as well as tiny air sacs present in the lungs get damaged which result in leakage of blood into sacs. Patient suffering from respiratory distress Syndrome also gets an infection known as Sepsis which spreads out in the human body quite fast. As per the survey conducted, one third of the people normally are suffering from sepsis. Uncontrolled pneumonia, low blood pressure, blood clot in the lungs caused due to injury, overdose of any drugs, drowning, are seen as common causes of this condition. In premature babies, lungs not being able to produce enough surfactant for breathing properly has been the major cause identified. Sometimes, babies suffering from this condition at the time of birth see this problem and may need immediate medical help to come out of this condition.
Doctor checks the status of breathing with the help of stethoscope. X-Rays as well as blood tests are also conducted to check the level of fluids and percentage of oxygen in blood. These tests also help in diagnosing infection caused by respiratory distress Syndrome.
Based on the test results, doctor would recommend treatment to the patient. At the time of treatment, doctor may also keep the patient in intensive care unit and provide oxygen source for proper breathing. In case if the patient is not able to breathe properly, then doctor may also keep them on the ventilator which is also known as artificial respiratory system. Anti-inflammatory drugs are also given to reduce the amount of fluid in the lungs. In case of infection, anti-biotic drugs are given to the patient.
As per the survey 60-70% of people survive with few long-term lung problems. In case if patient is kept on ventilator for long-term, then it may lead to permanent breathing problems. Due to low oxygen levels, some patients may also suffer from memory loss after they recover.