Rabbit Housing

When you choose a rabbit as a pet you must consider how you plan to house it. It’s best to have your rabbit’s housing set up before you get him. There are a few things you should know about housing a rabbit. For instance, it’s not enough to simply place him in a cage and walk away. Rabbits enjoy the company of others because they are very sociable creatures. Your rabbit’s cage should be placed somewhere where there is enough activity to keep them included in the family. Don’t leave them in a room alone all the time.

If you have more than one rabbit, it’s important to make sure that you have the males neutered so they do not become aggressive with one another. Most rabbits will live happily together if they are introduced with a gentle hand. Don’t keep a breeding pair together for too long though. They should be separated at times. Most rabbits are just fine in a hutch or cage alone so don’t feel that you must get another rabbit. As long as you give your rabbit attention and love he won’t miss having others around.

Wherever you place the rabbit’s cage, it should be kept at room temperature. Make sure that no cold drafts or moisture can affect the rabbit’s environment; otherwise, he could become very ill. Keep your rabbit’s cage or litter clean of waste. Because their environment is much smaller than ours, it should be cleaned daily. Take care of your rabbit’s housing to keep him healthy and happy.

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