Rabbit Spay & Neuter

As the owner of a pet rabbit, it is up to you to do your part to ensure their health and safety. It’s very important to neuter and spay your rabbits if you have more than one in order to prevent unwanted litters. A female rabbit can become pregnant several times a year and this often results in animal shelters having to take in many unwanted litters. This simply is not fair to all of those kittens that now do not have a home. Many people are not looking to adopt rabbits so avoid being part of this problem.

Neutering male rabbits can have more than one benefit. Aside from preventing unwanted litters, it can also keep them from becoming aggressive. An aggressive male rabbit can be very hard to train and is not always a good pet, especially for children. Having a female rabbit spayed can also prevent future risk of reproductive cancers. It’s always recommended to have your animals fixed for their own benefit as well as yours.

Having an animal spayed or neutered does not usually change them in any negative ways. It’s almost always for the better. It’s a necessary process that will make life for them easier and much healthier. It will not make your pet fat as long as you do not overfeed him. Don’t try breeding rabbits if you are not a knowledgeable breeder. Take care of your pet in all ways. Neutering is essential for your rabbit’s health. A healthy rabbit is a happy one.

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