What is Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment can come in a variety of forms. It doesn’t always have to be physical and it can be hard to determine whether or not you are being sexually harassed. Once it is determined, steps need to be taken to stop it.
Sexual harassment basically boils down to a person receiving unwanted attention in some form. It doesn’t matter if the intention was to make you uncomfortable. In fact, some people may not even realize that they are sexually harassing you. That’s why it is so important to assert yourself and make your feelings known. If the person doing the harassing gets angry, consider it as similar to a child being caught doing something wrong. They may have their own version of a tantrum but that doesn’t change the fact that they are doing something wrong.

One way to tell if you are being sexually harassed is by paying attention to your own body’s responses. Are unwelcome comments or touches making you uncomfortable, If so, then you need to speak up. Everyone has different boundaries and some people are completely lacking in them. That doesn’t mean you need to accept them.

If you feel you are being sexually harassed, then you need to let the individual know that you are uncomfortable. If this is happening in a school or work environment, then you may need to review the sexual harassment guidelines in order to have some factual information to present to an authority figure.

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