This is one of the purely optional GCSE courses. You will be taught Religious Education (R.E) until you reach your options year so that you have a basic understanding of what the course involves and a basic understanding of the different cultures of the world, and then the choice is yours. If you have enjoyed the course so far or if you want to take it further then by all means choose R.E as one of your options. If you feel that you have had enough of the course then leave it behind.
The course, like most GCSEs, will end with an examination, and there will be a chance for coursework along the way. The course has a wide and varied syllabus which may be surprising to some people; it includes topics like War and Peace, Poverty and Wealth and Human Relationships, plus many more. It can give you a chance to learn skills in debating, as the teacher will want to get you thinking and giving opinions which may well be different from others in the class. You can then have some interesting discussions in the form of a respectful organised debate.
It is a good GCSE if you have one option left to choose, as it is a good skill for many careers and gives you a better understand of the world we live in and why some of the things happen in the world, whether it is religion or politics at the centre.