Acute Leukaemia

The cancer affecting the white blood cells and the bone marrow of human body is known as LEUKAEMIA. It has two forms:

The acute leukaemia, which progresses aggressively and rapidly and requires treatment immediately.
The chronic leukaemia which slowly progresses over a number of years and requirement of treatment is not immediate.

Acute leukaemia can be of two kinds:

Acute myeloid leukaemia
Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia

Even though chronic leukaemia is less aggressive, it is easier to treat acute leukaemia.


Some of the symptoms of this type of cancer are:

  • tiredness
  • breathlessness
  • pale skin
  • fever and sweat
  • swollen lymph nodes
  • easily bruised skin
  • swollen liver
  • repeated infections in short span of time
  • frequent, unusual bleeding, like nose or gum bleeding
  • pains in bones and joints
  • swollen spleen
  • Weight loss.

If the infection has spread to the central nervous system from the blood cells, it will result in the following neurological symptoms:

  • seizures (fits),
  • headaches,
  • dizziness.
  • vomiting,
  • blurred vision


The genetic mutation causes the stem cells to produce white blood cells than the required number. The rapid increase in the number of blast cells reduces the platelets and the red blood cells, which is the basic cause for the symptoms of this condition. But the cause for initial mutation in stem cells is not known.

Genetic disorders like Down’s syndrome causes acute leukaemia in children. Another factor is the exposure to signification radiation level, like that released during nuclear accidents, before birth. Children with exposure to infection at an early age have lesser chances of developing acute leukaemia.
Another factor that triggers this condition is the mixing up of population.

The environmental factors contributing to this condition are living near power lines, nuclear power stations or a building releasing electromagnetic radiation.
Acute leukaemia is also caused on exposing to benzene found in petrol and cigarettes.


Initial diagnosis includes checking for swollen glands on the body and blood tests. The presence of a high amount of WBCs implies acute leukaemia. A bone marrow biopsy is done to confirm the presence of the condition. Other tests which are done to confirm the state are:

  • Cytogenetic testing
  • Lymph node biopsy
  • CT Scans
  • Lumbar puncture


The treatment plan depends on various conditions like the patient’ age, the likely spreading of the disease as well as the effects of treatment

Stages of treating are:

Induction, the initial stage aims at killing cancerous cells in bone marrow, to restore the blood to normal working condition, and resolving any symptoms present
Consolidation aims to kill the remaining cancer cells present in central nervous system.
Maintenance involves administration of regular chemotherapy tablets to prevent the return of cancer.
But if the body does not respond to chemotherapy, the final option is transplantation of the stem cells or bone marrow.


Immunnocompromised is the major complication due to chemotherapy, leading to high chances of infection. Treatment for acute leukaemia also leads to infertility.

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