The Alaskan Klee Kai resembles the Siberian Husky, but it is smaller and is more commonly kept as a pet rather than a working dog. The Alaskan Klee Kai comes in only three sizes: toy, miniature and standard. These are alluring qualities for people that want a show dog or those that like the traditional look of a wolf or husky, but would like a smaller, more docile dog.
There are only four colour patterns permitted for the Alaskan Klee Kai, grey and white, black and white, red/auburn and white or pure white. The dog is very neat, whilst they may have short or long hair, long hair is very rare. The breed has two very desirable attributes; they do not have foul breath or the typical ‘dog odour’. They do moult which can be viewed as a drawback, but they do so only twice a year, instead of all year round as with the Siberian Husky.

The Alaskan Klee Kai is an intelligent dog that is very energetic, curious, agile, loyal and loving. However, it is a hunter by nature and it should be recognised early on (while it is a puppy) that it has the propensity to kill smaller animals. For instance, it is imperative that the pup is introduced to smaller animals (cats, birds, rabbits, hamsters, etc.) that will be residing with it so that the dog will accept them as part of the family unit. The dogs also tend to be cautious around strangers so it is important that they are socialised as puppies in order that they do not become too wary as adults.