
The Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory drugs are great drugs which can counter different types of conditions. The drugs are available OTC and some types of these would need a specific prescription from the doctor to get them from the near by drug store. The drugs are commonly used to encounter Pain and discomforts caused by sprains and strains, to treat Fever and high temperature and also some inflammatory conditions which may be also caused by some reasons like arthritis. The drugs have been effective in their application and also seen quite useful in tackling heavy periods and similar states.

Different names

The drugs are available in different names in their own categories:
The drugs available around the market, over the counter are Aspirin, Naproxen and ibuprofen. The ones available on prescription are etodolac, meloxicam, celecoxib and etoricoxib.

How the drug works

The working was something not fully clear while they were first developed. The research with time has shown better reports and results to understand its working in a better way. The drugs can interfere with specific enzymes in the human body and speed up the reaction with the body. So a digestive enzyme would help break the large food particles and make it smaller enough for the blood to absorb it faster. There are Prostaglandins which are responsible for different functions like keeping the stomach running fine and also heals the cause of pain and inflammation. The drugs help in tackling these situations by preventing the enzymes from releasing those chemicals, which in turn would help in relieving the pain and inflammation. The COX-2 enzymes can also cause pain and inflammation, so the NSAID takes care of these symptoms while interfering with the release of prostaglandins. The COX-2 inhibitors are supposed to work on the pain and inflammation, while no side effect has been seen on the stomach; it has some effects on the heart.


In some cases the drugs can affect the stomach and intestine. It can induce stomach ulcers and indigestion. The other considerations would include the factors like, being above 65 years, any previous stomach related issues, any other existing conditions while taking these medicines and a prolonged usage or a high dosage. In few cases, it has shown side effects of affecting heart, kidneys and blood vessels. So people with Kidney or heart issues, above 65 years and already related to high BP may need to consider the usage. Other factors for which considerations may be required before consuming are pregnancy, conception, labor, breastfeeding, Asthma, any surgeries undergone. Monitoring over a long term prescribed usage is a must.

Side effects

Common side effects are related to stomach and intestines whereas some liver, kidney and heart side effects fall in the category of rare side effects.


The medicines need to be consumed carefully while undergoing any other medication and also mild alcoholic drinking may not be a problem with most common drugs. The over usage of alcohol may cause a little irritation in the stomach lining.


The drugs are always chosen after no other suitable alternate is available to save from the side effects. The prescription anyway is kept to the lowest and shortest period of time.

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