Australian Mastiffs, like other Mastiffs, are a large breed. This can be intimidating to some people but this type of dog is quite gentle. They are one of the friendliest dogs with children. In fact, the only time this breed typically becomes aggressive is if they feel as though the children of their families are threatened in some way. So using the Australian Mastiff as a guard dog can prove to be useful.
Australian Mastiffs are a heavy boned, muscular dog with a strong structure. The visual characteristics are of a powerful breed that has a certain dignity about them. Their heads are large yet properly proportioned and they have drop ears.
Australian Mastiffs are generally short haired dogs and can come in solid colours like chocolate, as well as a combination of pair colours such as black and tan. The fur coats are smooth and tend to have a shine to them. The grooming is very limited with the Australian Mastiff. They do not shed in excessive amounts.

This very large breed of dog is widely bred in Australia with other Mastiffs. The Australian Mastiff is a very loyal and loving dog. It is not a dog to fear as it is reserved with strangers and is a relaxed animal. This is also a relatively lazy dog. These mastiffs do not require a whole lot of exercise to be happy. However, obesity can occur so a mild to moderate exercise plan is best. Being a gentle companion is this breed’s primary goal.