For some smokers, the thought of gaining weight during a cessation programme is the only thing that stops them from quitting. However, this weight gain can be avoided by making advantageous changes to a normal cessation programme.
Food Substitutions
Choosing smart substitutions for cigarettes can help decrease weight gain. Many cessation programmes recommend the use of candy and suckers to help with cravings. However, these are full of empty calories, which will cause you to gain weight. A better option is to use crunchy fruits and vegetables, such as carrots or apples to help control cravings.
Beverage Choices
Some smokers turn to coffee and other caffeinated beverages during a cessation programme. Just like candy and suckers, these beverages are often full of empty calories that will cause weight gain. Drinking water is a better option. Also, the water will keep your body hydrated and will help to flush toxins out.
One of the best ways to deal with cravings is by exercising. As you exercise, your brain releases chemicals and endorphins that are similar to the ones produced when smoking. The main difference is that exercising is not introducing harmful toxins into your body.
Any amount of exercise can combat weight gain. According to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, exercising for short spurts (five to ten minutes) multiple times each day is just as good as exercising for thirty minutes to one hour per day. As such, you can use exercise instead of food to combat cravings.
Avoiding Weight Gain During Cessation

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