The Azawakh is a dog that is indigenous to Africa. This particular dog is from the sight-hound breed. Other names for the Azawakh include: Idi, Hanshee, Oska, Tuareg Sloughi, Rawondu, Bareeru and the Wulo.
The Azawakh has a unique appearance and at first sight a person can easily identify this dog. The legs are the most noticeable feature; they look like stilts because they are extra long. They have a slender body and a short flat back.
The Azawakhs are high endurance dogs that are quite athletic. They can thrive in heat and good weather conditions but hate the cold or wet weather. These dogs also have tremendous social skills with other dogs in their pack. They are not an aggressive breed by nature unless provoked or if their family is threatened in any way. They can become fierce in order to protect those that they love.
There are a number of intense traits that the Azawakhs share with pariah dogs other than merely their physical form. These dogs have powerfully strong instincts such as suspicion of everything they do not know, the need to dig dens and a passionate desire to guard and protect.

The over all personality and temperament of the Azawakh is most desirable. This specific breed becomes devoted to its owner. Most dogs form a bond with their human family but this dog lives for that bond. They are instinctively protective and will show that trait through actions and attitudes. These canines are affectionate and friendly with their human family but do not like to be touched by strangers.