Throughout the years, people have tried to create several yoga variations. The standing yoga pose sequences for beginners are as follows:
Tadasana is the first sequence, which is done with your back against the wall as it may improve one’s posture. The second is the Uttanasana, which is done by bending forward and straightening the legs so that it stretches your hamstrings. The third is the Virabhadrasana I, which is done by stepping with your left foot toward the left side and raising both arms in the air to make you feel more comfortable. The fourth is the Virabhadrasana II, which is done by bending your left hip backwards and keeping your right knee bent and the right thigh parallel to the floor. The fifth is the Utthita Parsvakonasana, which is done by touching the left heel on the floor; bending your right knee so that the thigh and calf are at a right angle and the thigh should be parallel to the ground, bringing your right hand outside or inside the right foot while the left foot stretches up on the ceiling and then opening the chest. The last sequence is the Utthita Trikonasana: begin by placing your left arm forward, drawing the left thigh upward and tucking the hip in as you come forward, then drop your left hand down onto the ankle; your right shoulder must be higher than the left one as you open your chest while reaching the right fingertips upwards.
The sequences are just simple poses that will build stamina and get one’s heart beating.