Best Bet Diet

The Best Bet Diet’s primary purpose is to help control and treat Multiple Sclerosis. The rules of this diet are quite simple and revolve primarily around limiting one’s intake of saturated fats. Dieters eliminate all animal milks and foods that might contain them such as yogurt, cheese, and ice cream. Legume products are also off limits on this diet; these include beans, soy, peanuts, and peas. Best Bet dieters also eliminate gluten from their diet which means no wheat, rye, or barley. Refined sugars are discouraged, with dieters encouraged to replace them with honey, agave nectar, or maple syrup. Consumption of eggs and red meat are to be limited, with the recommended weekly allowance of red meat being about 3 oz. Yeast is also to be limited with small quantities allowed if no allergies are detected. Certain dietary supplements are recommended including Vitamin D3, Calcium, Magnesium, and a variety of other vitamins and minerals.
The science behind this diet relies upon the premise that MS is an autoimmune disease. This means that the immune cells are actually attacking MS patients’ myelin, which is an insulating sheath protecting nerves in the spinal cord and brain. One of the leading proponents of this type of diet, Ashton Embry, argues that these autoimmune factors originate in the digestive tract and that it is diet, along with low levels of natural sunshine, that make genetically vulnerable individuals develop Multiple Sclerosis. While this diet does not purport to cure MS, there is some evidence that it can help control the disease and slow its progress.

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