The Brazilian Terrier originated in Brazil. This is one of only two dog breeds native to Brazil. The other is the Fila Brasileiro. It is believed that the breed is a cross between a Jack Russell Terrier, Miniature Pinchers and possibly Chihuahuas. It is a small size dog that usually stands no taller than sixteen inches (40.5 cm) and weighs from 15 to 20 lbs (7 to 9 kg).
The Brazilian Terrier has common characteristics of most terrier types of breeds. The appearance is not as unique as some other descendants of various breeds are. Nor do they possess a number of distinct features that would set them apart at first glance.
This breed has a tri coloured coat. It is short in length and smooth to the touch. The ears are generally folded. The fur coat of the Brazilian Terrier is commonly a combination of blue, brown, tan and black.
Brazilian Terriers are notorious hunters. They enjoy the thrill of the hunt and desire that interaction between canine and owner. This desire to please serves a deeper purpose than merely a hunter’s instinct, it is need for the companionship and alliance with their owner that they crave. Their strong instinct to hunt makes it necessary for them to always be monitored around smaller domesticated animals.

This breed is very bright, alert and playful. These highly energetic dogs can adapt to being a companion but they are happiest when hunting. If they are made into housedogs, it is imperative to have daily exercise and activities for them to thrive.