Hallux valgus is a medical condition where bony swelling develops at the big toe’s base. This is commonly known as bunion.
Bunions occur when the big toe angles inwards along the second toe and mid of foot causing the first metatarsal to project out from the big toe’s base. This can result in swollen and painful bunions.
Bunions can happen due to using shoes that does not fit properly. In severe cases, this can lead to arthritis of the joint of the big toe.
Bunions can be treated using:
- bunion pads
- pain killers
- Surgeries in extreme cases.
- Red and swollen bony bump on the big toe’s base
- Rough skin present on the bump which can rupture into ulcers.
- One can experience pain while walking.
- Swelling and tenderness present around the joint of the big toe. This condition is termed bursitis.
- Change in foot shape.
- Increase in the width of foot.
The exact reason for this condition is not known. But the likely causes of bunions are ill fitting shoes and family history.
Ill fitting shoes
In many cases, bunions develop because people do not wear proper shoes. The chances of women developing bunions are high. This because women have a tendency of wearing pointed shoes, high heeled ones as well as shoes that are very tight. Using high heels can pressurise the body weight on the foot causing strain in toe joints.
Family History
If members of a family have bunions, the chances of this condition being spread are high. This is due to the passing of the bend toe into families.
People suffering from arthritis have very high chances of developing bunions. Arthritis can also worsen the condition if bunions are already there. Since the joints become stiff in arthritis, one will find it difficult to keep the toes straight for preventing them to rub with the shoes.
Both surgical as well as non-surgical treatments are available for bunions.
A proper shoe can be used to prevent the condition from getting worsened.
Non-surgical treatments that can be used in the recovery form bunions are;
Using painkillers like ibuprofen or paracetamol to get relief from the pain caused due to bunions. Always the recommended dosage must be used while using analgesics. Ibuprofen is not advised in persons having peptic ulcer or asthma.
Bunion pads as well as ice packs in addition to the analgesics help in pain reduction. Bunion pads can be obtained over the counter. They are usually fleece pads or reusable gel pads. They normally are adhesive pads and will stick to the bunion.
Cold compressions and ice packs can also be used to get relief from the pain.
The doctor may advise to use orthoses, which are instruments that can be used to realign and improve the foot bones. These also help in soothing the pain.
Special splints for bunions can also be used for straightening the alignment of the first metatarsal.
Surgery may be advised for treating bunions if the person has severe pain