The Cesky Terrier originated in Czechoslovakia. The two terrier breeds used for creating the Cesky Terrier are the Scottish Terrier and the Sealyham Terrier. They are also referred to as the Bohemian Terrier.
The unique body of the Cesky Terrier makes it easy to identify. They have a number of recognisable traits that set them apart form other breeds. They have short legs, drop ears, solid muscles, and the tail should always be natural in length.
The coat is very soft and fine. It tends to be slightly wavy and bears a glossy sheen. The long hair goes from the sides of the body down to the ground. The head and back are clipped but never stripped like other breeds. The Cesky Terrier requires a lot of grooming and time that should be dedicated to it.
Cesky Terriers usually only come in two colours, which are bluish grey and brown. A person can tell what colour of dog the puppy will be when it is born by the colour of the skin and fuzz. If the skin is brown, then the dog will be a brown colour. If the skin is black, then they will be bluish grey. It is also possible for markings to be found on this breed in yellow, white, or grey variations.

The temperament of the Cesky Terrier is very loving. They are a joyful dog by nature. They enjoy giving affection as much as they love to get it. They are not aggressive and can be wary of strangers.