It used to be that all pet birds were sold with clipped wings. Most pet bird books from more than twenty years ago strongly advise that all pet birds should have their wings clipped. But now may pet bird owners frown on the practice of clipping wings.
Some pet bird fanciers and vets strongly believe that taking away a bird’s ability to fly takes away one of their natural protections against feral cats or other predators. They also believe that the act of getting their wings clipped can cause the bird to become incredibly hostile to ever being handled.
Some people believe that clipping a bird’s wings makes the bird more aggressive and prone to biting because the ability to fly away from danger is gone. Some pet birds with clipped wings have been prone to put on a dangerous amount of weight. If you want to take your bird to a bird show, then you can’t have the wings clipped.
In some circumstances, some pet bird fanciers believe it is safer for the bird to have their wings clipped. Clipped wings keep the bird from escaping the home or from flying into rotating ceiling fans. Birds with clipped wings sometimes are more easily trainable because they can’t fly away and are so bored that they will turn to you for something to do.
You should examine your situation and weigh the dangers before clipping wings. You should also talk to your vet before making the final decision.