Coeliac Condition

While there is no cure for coeliac condition or celiac disease, a strict gluten-free diet can keep the symptoms under control. Coeliac disease is a bowel condition in which the body is unable to tolerate gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye and barley. Because it is an autoimmune condition, coeliac disease causes the body to mistake gluten for a harmful substance, attacking it and then harming the lining of the intestines. The process then leads to digestive issues, diarrhoea, and stomach pain.

It is crucial for people with coeliac condition to eat a gluten-free diet for life in order to protect the intestines and eliminate symptoms. Gluten is found in wheat (including semolina, durum, farina, and graham flour), barley, and rye. Any foods with these ingredients must be avoided. A dietician can help sufferers plan a well-rounded diet that eliminates these ingredients but provides necessary nutrients and vitamins. In addition to the basic foods that do not contain gluten, there are many products on the market that provide gluten-free alternatives to items like pasta and bread.

Excepting gluten-free alternatives, people with coeliac condition should avoid cereals, pasta, bread, biscuits or crackers, pies, pastries, cakes, gravies, sauces, and oats. All food labels should be checked, and even some non-food labels because some make-ups, stamps, and medications contain gluten.

Foods that are approved for coeliac disease are vegetables, fruits, most dairy, meat and fish, potatoes, rice, and gluten-free flours (rice, corn, soy and potato). People with coeliac condition should discuss supplements with their doctors, particularly when first diagnosed and adjusting to the new diet.

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