Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.

Cognitive behavioural therapy or also known as CBT is the term applied to different therapies that are used to help an individual solve the problems that is affecting his daily life, problems like fear, depression, stress, anxiety, post traumatic shock or stress, even alcohol addiction, smoking or drug misuse.
CBT is a fairly a new concept developed by an American psychotherapist Aaron Beck, who is considered as a pioneer to the CBT. It is supposed to have been developed on the basic principles of the two earlier existing psychotherapy.
Behavioural therapy- this was originally designed to help people change their behavior i.e. how people act.
Cognitive therapy- this was meant to help people change their beliefs, expectations or attitudes.
What are the uses of CBT,
CBT can be used basically to help and cure a whole lot of psychological conditions which will affect the person life. Some of the examples are
Post traumatic stress:
For a person who has undergone a trauma, it may be losing someone close ,or losing job, home etc will be in a lot of stress, anxiety depression, if these conditions are left untreated it affects the everyday of life of the person and it might also lead to suicidal tendencies.
CBT helps the person to cope up with the stress caused due to trauma. It involves exposure therapy in a supportive therapy which will help to work through the post traumatic stress. Relaxation techniques will help the person to calm there nerve, and gain control of the situation , it also helps the person to control the emotional thought and to suppress the negative feeling that might stop him from returning to normal day to day life.
Phobias and panic:
Phobias are fear of something which will prevent a person enjoying their life normally; panic disorder is uncontrolled fear attacks to the minimal stimulus or a threat.
CBT helps to overcome these fears but a supportive environment where one will learn to approach the fear in a whole new way. First the person is subjected to the stimulus by imagination and then once they are ready they are subjected to fear in reality, this helps in desensitization of the effects of the fear and helps to overcome the panic attacks and to have a cool mind in such a situation.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder:
OCD is characterized by doing repeated activity even though you are convinced you have already achieved the objective of the activity, any disturbance will results in uncontrolled level of anxiety which will make the person to restore back of doing the activity again and again.
CBT helps to lessen the anxiety build up thus getting a control over your actions, and by encouraging you to abstain from the repetitive acts.
Depression is a condition which can be mild and everyone will experience this at some point of life, but when depression is severe or out of proportion or exists for a long time it will affects everyday life.
CBT helps to overcome the depression, and changes all the unrealistic expectations helping to move on in life.

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