A cold sore is the term used to describe blister like lesions which are usually small and tend to appear around mouth. The causes for the cold sores are herpes simplex virus.
There are two types of herpes simplex virus – HSV type I and HSV type II the most common cause for cold sore is HSV type I but rarely type II might also cause cold sore. This is the result from a person having oral sex with man or woman who has genital herpes.
As said above HSV is also known as cold sore virus which are usually transmitted by oral sex with infected person, the HSV type I is usually passed on in the childhood when the child is kissed by any person who is carrying HSV or who has cold sore .
The virus then burrows the skin goes in the nerve and usually lies dormant in the trigeminal ganglion in the face. The virus becomes stimulated by different factors which might result in occurrence of cold sores, sometimes 3-4 times in a year
The various factors that triggers the viruses are
Any injury the face which affects the nerves or the ganglion.
Exposure to strong sunlight.
Fatigue and excessive tiredness
Emotional upset or psychological stress is a strong trigger
Menstrual periods.
People whose immune system is low like people on chemotherapy, or having AIDS or on immune suppressive.
Diagnosis of the sores are usually simple and straight forward if the sores are appearing repeatedly, if the sores are for first time or occurring in a child then it is necessary to see a doctor.
The diagnosis is done by lab investigations for antibodies against HSV, or from testing the fluid from the scraping of the blister and checking for the presence of the virus itself.
Treatment of the cold sore is very important as it can spread easily especially to the children, the basis of the treatment includes the antiviral therapy.
The therapy includes antiviral cold sore cream, which is used for topical application on the blisters which not only help to clear out the infection but also reduce the healing time and prevents the recurrence. The medications usually contain acyclovir or penciclovir.
These creams are over the counter drugs which can be used as soon as one notices the cold sore, in case of recurrence one can apply when they feel the tingling sensation in the face however if there is multiple recurrence then it is advisable to visit a doctor who might prescribe antiviral tablet that should be taken orally.
Complications of cold sore:
Cold sore is usually mild and heals rapidly, only in people with impaired immune system there could be multiple recurrence and complications like:
Herpetic keratoconjuctivitis: It is the infection of the conjunctiva of the eye by HSV,it is usually secondary by contact of the virus from the cold sore when the virus is transmitted, usually occur in children who might rub the blister then touch the eye
Encephalitis; Infection of the brain in people with very weak immune system.
Cold Sore

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