The Combai is a type of hound that originated in India. This is an ancient breed that has served well as a hunter of bison, wild boar and deer. They used to heavily populate the area of southern India but have since declined significantly. Other common names for this breed include: Kombai, Indian Bear Hound and the Indian Beardog.
This breed has a very powerful build. Their jaws are strong and the physique is very large. These two characteristics are intimidating to people and to predators or game. The colours of the Combai are red or brown and black. One distinct marking that is common is a black mask on the face of the dog.
The Combai is a very aggressive dog. It can be loyal and devoted to its owner if raised from a puppy. The owner should work with the dog closely to form a bond. Some would say that they are intensely ferocious or even savage at times. This breed has been known to fight to the death and it has no qualms about killing animals or humans in a battle. They will attack intruders, trespassers or any potential threat at any time.

This is why the Combai do not make good pets unless they are properly trained and socialised from a young age. They are usually for hunting or guarding purposes only. The temper is desirable for these two tasks. Obedience can be achieved with training.