There are several things to consider when you are thinking of decorating your reception venue. You must remember to decorate the reception room, the tables and chairs and the entrance/outdoor area.
Many modern brides have wedding themes these days, whether it’s the theme of a past era such as the 1920s, a tropical beach or an Elvis in Las Vegas theme. Your reception room could be decorated in a multitude of different manners, but in this article we are going to focus on the classic wedding reception.
When decorating your reception room one of the first things to consider is your colour scheme. Ideally the colours of your decorations will match or complement the colours of the bridal party. The colour of the bridesmaid’s dresses may be the inspiration for the colours of the organza you drape across the ceiling or wrap around the banisters and pillars. Having a base colour and adding one contrasting colour can immediately create a colour scheme for you without having to do all the searching for matching shades.
Tables are usually decorated with tablecloths, flowers, candles, napkins, balloons and table confetti. Keep the decorations above or below eye level so that your guests are able to converse easily across the table rather than around your stunning decorations. Table confetti comes in three types, petals real or paper, metallic confetti and Swarovski Crystals.
Bows made from the organza draped across your ceiling can be tied to the back of your chairs, and chair covers can be hired to create a more elegant look.
Decorating your Reception Room

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