Drug Misuse-I

Addictions to drugs can be very dangerous situation. Your entire life revolves around drugs and it also takes the center stage. This often leads to dependency both physically and psychologically.
You can be so accustomed to it that you may withdraw physically completely if you don’t consume it at regular intervals. This is also called as Physical dependency.
Consuming drugs can become a feel good factor. There can be a situation where you feel that it is impossible to live without your daily dose, even if you are not depending on it physically. You can experience psychological as well as physical dependency.
The regular doses of drugs make you accustomed to it and it shall not have any result on you eventually. Which encourages taking large quantities to experience the similar result as what you experienced in the beginning.
Consuming drugs that are illegal or taking medication not advised by the doctor is called as Drug misuse. Medications in heavy quantities are hazardous to health and are termed as misuse of drugs. There are few drugs which very often get misused, like that, painkillers, illegal drugs, sleeping tablets, alcohol, cold remedies and tobacco.
There are certain drugs which are illegal and stopped for any kind of use in UK. It is also a crime to keep it handy with you. You can be severely punished for the same. 
There are some drugs which are given on the prescription of doctors like the sleeping tablets, painkillers etc. Drugs which are illegal are divided in three categories A, B, C.
The highly dangerous drug are A class, which includes, DMA also commonly know as ectasy, magic mushrooms or shrooms, STP also know as peace, tranquility and serenity, psilocybin, poppy straw, pethadine, opium, morphine, methadone , methyl amphetamine, mescalin, LSD, heroin, dicanol and cocaine.
A little lesser dangerous than class A are class B. which includes; barbiturates, ritalin, DF118,codeine and amphetamine.
The least harmful but are illegal are the drugs from Class C. which includes; benzodiazepines with rohypnol and valium, GHB, Ketamine, anabolic steroids and methaqualone.
If a doctor recommends some of the drugs it can be legal. Which are in turn used as painkillers,

There are certain illegal drugs that are available on producing a doctors prescription, mainly because they have medicinal value and come in the ‘available on prescription’ category. Methadone is prescribed for heroin users during their recovery. The ‘prescription only drugs’ are available in Her Majesty’s stationery office. Some illegal drugs are also used as painkillers.

Getting help
Drug addicts seldom realize that they are facing a serious problem and even if they do, they do not agree for help. At times people find it difficult to give up knowing the consequences. There are few symptoms of drug addiction like; secretive about actions & activities, stealing money, problems in personal relationships, Bad performance at school or work, loss of motivation, negative outlook on life, sudden mood changes, withdrawal symptoms, dependency on drugs, increasing doses for better effect.
You need to see your doctor immediately once you realize your drug problem. He can refer a specialist you shall help you with the treatment. You can share it with family and friends as they can provide you the required support.

Help in emergency cases
Allergic reactions can be caused due to drug overdose as you find the person having abnormal behavior. Few symptoms are; paralysis, convulsions, slurring of speech, muscle aches & cramps, headaches, tiredness, nausea or sickness and dizziness.
You need to follow the steps given below, if you realize that someone is having a reaction
1) You can get help from the staff members of Pubs and clubs. Take help of the first aid kit available and one of the members of the staff is usually trained in it. This staff member should be with addict till medical professionals arrive.
The first and foremost thing is to stay calm and call 999. You can call for an ambulance and explain the operator the entire situation. The operator shall advice you certain steps like resuscitation which is given mouth to mouth and other life saving techniques.
Airways should not be obstructed by vomit and also make sure that he has not swallowed his tongue. You can also collect a sample of the drug as the doctors can judge the best treatment accordingly.
You can gather syringes, packets and wrappers wherein the drugs were kept. If the person has vomited try to collect the sample. For hospital analysis.

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