‘Righteous Kill’ is a much awaited action flick that stars two of the most acclaimed Hollywood stars, Al Pacino and Robert De Niro. However despite this splendid star cast, the film fails to deliver an impressive story...
Genre: American Thriller Director: Peter Yates Starring: Steve McQueen, Robert Vaughn Bullitt famously depicts Frank Bullitt (McQueen) and two other cops who are given the task of guarding a mob witness by a corrupt...
After “Pulp Fiction” revived his career, John Travolta went on to his next film as a gangster in “Get Shorty”. It’s difficult separating the two films – each about gangsters, each with a ridiculous amount of foul...
Genre: Comedy Director: Howard Hawks Starring Cast: Cary Grant, Katherine Hepburn, Charles Ruggles Dr. David Huxley (Grant), a young palaeontologist due to be married in two days, and only one bone short of completing a...
Meet Dave is an easygoing film that fails to deliver a very viable plot and worthy direction. I was not too impressed with the way the film unfolded into flat sequence of uninteresting scenes. If you are looking for a...
Any movie that has a brilliant star cast like Meryl Streep and Pierce Brosnan is bound to get loads of hype and publicity. And Mamma Mia, the musical has done true justice to these two excellent performers with an...
Genre: Romance Director: Blake Edwards Starring Cast: Audrey Hepburn, George Peppard, Patricia Neal There are simply hundreds of ways to describe Audrey Hepburn’s iconic party-girl character Holly Golightly in this...
This is a film that is very difficult to watch, especially when you realize that it depicts a story that is all too often a stark reality for some children. It is the story of an eight-year child, Leslie, who is...
This is one of my all-time favourite movies, simply because the premise, while ridiculous, is one I can well imagine happening. It is about a young couple, Dick and Jane, who are like most of us, living far beyond their...
Genre: Action/Adventure Director: William Wyler Starring Cast: Charlton Heston, Jack Hawkins, Haya Harareet Jerusalem at the start of the 1st century, Judah Ben Hur (Heston) is a rich Jewish prince and trader who...
Here’s an impressive movie directed by Jon Favreau that has the appeal of a comic adventure combined with superhero elements. Even if you are not into comics, there’s a good chance that you will sit back and enjoy the...
Genre: Drama Starring Actors: Kirk Douglas, Richard Benedict Fired from his job at a big newspaper, journalist Chuck Tatum resorts to taking a job on a small New Mexican paper. While travelling to report on a local...
Back in the 1990s, Joe Pesci was part of an elite club known as Scorsese’s actors. He even won an Oscar for a supporting role in “Goodfellas” playing a psychotic gangster. So it’s no wonder Scorsese cast Pesci in his...
Indiana Jones never fails to impress and be it the 1938 flick or the latest 2008 one, it always endears with its enjoyable and interesting plot. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is worth watching for...
‘Friday the 13th’ is the grand-daddy of the modern horror/slasher films, and it has all the usual ingredients. There are the teenage victims, the no name cast and the graphic scenes of death. However, the film is...
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy Director: Stanley Kubrick Starring Cast: Malcolm McDowell, Patrick Magee, and Michael Bates In a sadistic future, civilization is on the edge of disintegration. A radical new practice, designed to...
‘Horton Hears a Who’ is a delightful movie and even though I’m an adult, I enjoyed every bit of it. Yes, this movie will wake up the child in you and take you on a wonderful ride of adventure and fun. From the makers of...
Genre: Sci-Fi Fantasy Director: Byron Haskin Starring Cast: Gene Barry, Ann Robinson, Les Tremayne Aliens from Mars attempt to inhabit Earth by way of invasion and the total obliteration of the human race. When the...
Forest Gump is a sprawling period piece, starting in Forest’s childhood in the 1950s and covers everything from the Vietnam War to the early success of Apple computers. In essence, the film is a history lesson of the...
Considering the low revenues generated by the original Hellboy film released in 2004, it comes as a huge surprise that director Guillermo del Toro decided to come up with a sequel. This film is surely not to be...
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