
Technology and advances in medicine has increased longevity for most dogs. However, there may be a chance of something terrible occurring, which may make the quality of life unbearable for your dog. During these times you may want to give thought to ending the suffering of your dog. You must be prepared both emotionally and financially, if such a decision has to be made.

One consideration for ending the suffering of a dog is euthanasia. Euthanasia may also be referred to by veterinarians as “humane destruction”, a technical term used for the act of putting a dog to sleep. Typically, euthanasia is performed by an anaesthetic overdose injected into the vein of a foreleg.

This is usually a quick process that can be administered with little or no distress to the dog, if the dog can be held firmly but gently during the process. A veterinarian can tell you if your dog is treatable or if the dog is approaching a time when you should consider letting go. However, the veterinary can not make the decision for you. The owner must make the decision and sign a consent form to have the service rendered.

The decision may not be easy, but it should be considered if the dog’s quality of life is deteriorating significantly. The cost for euthanasia varies depending on where you live. But in general, cost ranges from £37 – £44 (US $53-$63) per dog. The cost may be more for larger dogs. Cost could also increase if there are other services performed, such as a cremation. Cremation cost ranges from £62 – £77 (US $89-$110) depending on the size of the dog ( HYPERLINK “”

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