Feingold Diet

A food elimination diet developed by Dr. Ben Feingold, this controversial diet is used to treat ADHD. Dr. Feingold believes that removing certain chemicals from the diet will improve hyperactivity associated with ADHD and other behavioural disorders. This approach is met with scepticism by some in the medical community while others, including sufferers of ADHD and parents of these children, credit this plan with helping to turn their lives around.
The Feingold diet purports to work by eliminating synthetic colourings, some salicylates such as almonds or tangerines, artificial flavourings such as vanillin, artificial preservatives, and aspartame. 

It has long been believed by certain circles that ADHD is in fact caused, or made worse by the ingestion of synthetic colourings and preservatives and flavourings. 
Apparently, there is no specific test which can confirm the diagnoses of ADHD. Therefore, GPs/practitioners rely solely on a checklist, ticking off behaviours that fall into the category of ADHD symptoms. This has led to some misdiagnosis, and according to Feingold these problematic behavioural problems can be easily remedied with a regimental diet cutting out foods that can aggravate this disorder. According to Feingold, children who have no previous history of ADHD have occasionally exhibited symptoms such as lack of attention span and hyperactivity. Following the Feingold diet promises to reduce these side-effects and control the symptoms. Please see the website for full medical details.

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