Business and personal contact cards can be quite the hassle to manage in the modern economy. During the course of a year an individual can make so many personal and professional connections that it’s hard to keep track of them all without an organizational system that would make a librarian proud.
Many of these connections that you make, in an effort to ensure that you know how and where to contact them in the future, will provide you with their business card and a warm message about how you should ‘keep in touch’.
The trick to taking full advantage of these connections is to ensure that you have a fool-proof way of finding out how to find someone’s phone number when you need to. There are many ways to organize or store the business cards that you receive to ensure that you can find someone’s phone number as soon as you remember that you need it.
One tried and tested method is to get a business card rolodex, a circular ringed storage device, arranged alphabetically, that can hold hundreds and thousands of cards. As soon as someone hands over their business card, you can head over to a trusty-rolodex and pop the card in its new home. One clear advantage of the rolodex model is that it keeps your business cards together as a physical presence that is easily searchable and a constant visual reminder of your growing network.
If you’re looking for a more modern or technologically savvy way to handle your business cards, it may be in your best interest to search a modern application store on your phone, tablet or personal computer. There are many applications that let you take a photo of the business card and will create a digital copy right on your device. One of the clear advantages of this method is that if you need to find someone’s phone number, you may only be a few clicks or taps away.