
Normally wind is produced as a result of the disintegration of proteins and carbohydrates present in the food by the gastric enzymes and even bacteria present within the digestive system. More wind may be produced in case of alteration in normal dietary pattern. Often this is associated with a person consuming food on a large scale. Cauliflower, beans and cabbage are few among the foods that need quite more time to get digested and as a result flatulence may result. Coffee and beer are the two among the many beverages that can lead to the production of more wind. The medical conditions like irritable bowel syndrome(IBS), poor food absorption, gastroenteritis, intestinal obstruction, Coeliac disease, thyroid disorders, Diverticulitis, and intestinal obstruction are also likely to produce flatulence.


The following symptoms will be associated with flatulence

Belching (burping): this is featured with the release of gas via mouth. This occurs when the stomach contains lot of swallowed air that is often the result of smoking, drinking or consuming food that are likely to result in this.

Bloating: the person has a feeling of stomach fullness and is the result of consumption of food that is difficult to digest.

Borborygmi (rumbling stomach): this condition is the result of increased gap between meals or even may be triggered by a state of nervousness or anxiety. This is because of the rapid contraction of stomach.


Production of some quantity of wind is common with all people. It is actually a bi-product of the digestion of carbohydrates and proteins. Normally a variation in the usual diet pattern triggers the increased production of wind and results in the condition called flatulence. As mentioned earlier there are several foods and beverages that lead to flatulence. Avoiding such substances can reduce the production of wind.

The condition may also arise as the side effect of several medicines like antibiotics, laxatives etc. The major cause overall is the engulfing of air via mouth that is often associated with eating at a fast rate, drinking water in between food, dentures that are loose permitting more air inside etc.


A person who is healthy need not worry about the condition. Treatment is usually indicated only when the condition intensifies or when associated with stomach ache, nausea, diarrhoea etc. There are certain drugs such as Asmebeverine and Alverine that can be used to relax the gut which in turn subside bloating and other associated symptoms.


The most important measure is to have a control up on the diet consumed. Make it a habit to consume diet at regular time schedules. Avoid over consumption of foodstuff likely to cause more gas. The following measures can be of help:

  • Eat slowly and chew the food adequately.
  • Eat only to the need.
  • Avoid drinking amid eating
  • Avoid aerated drinks.
  • Keep physically fit

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