Fun with Dick and Jane (Original Version)

This is one of my all-time favourite movies, simply because the premise, while ridiculous, is one I can well imagine happening.

It is about a young couple, Dick and Jane, who are like most of us, living far beyond their means. Jane is the typical suburban homemaker, taking care of their young son, while her husband goes off to work in the high-powered world of the aeronautical industry. They are very secure financially, or at least they think they are until Dick loses his job due to cutbacks. This occurs on the same day they are having an in-ground pool installed at their spacious home. Another bill that will have to be paid.

After trying to do things the “right” way, filing for unemployment benefits, food stamps and the like, Dick is faced with the fact that the right way often doesn’t work. They are the “new poor,” and they don’t care for that position. So, they take to the unlikely world of crime to pay their bills. The antics are hysterical. These people are not cut out for this life. They rob a record store, they rob a motel, and they even try to rob a soul food joint. They are making enough to stay afloat, but the stress is killing them.

Finally, they pull off their biggest heist of all, at the company where Dick once worked. They rob his boss’ safe of a large amount of cash kept there to pay bribes to various government officials. They get caught, but the way they handle it is full of good laughs, and the beauty is that Dick’s former boss has no choice but to aid them in the heist.

This is a great movie with non-stop laughs.

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