If you would like to take some time out from studying before heading off to university, or you have finished and you want to see a bit of the world before getting a job, perhaps you should consider travelling for a while.
Thousands of young people head off into the far corners of the world each year. However, there’s a lot to consider before you book those plane tickets.
First off, you will need to plan your trip and where you want to go. There are too many locations to list here. However, most popular are the Far East (Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia), Australia and New Zealand, and Europe. Some people decide to go all the way and travel the distance around the globe.
Check with your travel agent for deals on flights and accommodation. It is usually cheaper to stay in hostels rather than hotels. However, if you are with a group of friends it may be possible to rent an apartment for a short time if you are planning to stay in a particular location for a while.
The amount of money that you need will vary. After the cost of flights, hostels can cost anything between £5 and £30 per night. Add to this the cost of food for your trip/excursions and you are going to have quite a hefty bill. Try to save as much as possible in advance, and remember that many people are able to find short-term labouring jobs in some countries to earn a bit of extra cash.