The Groenendael is a canine type belonging to the Belgian Shepherd Dog breed. This particular kind of dog is very athletic and strong. One thing that sets the Groenendael apart from the other Belgian Shepherd Dogs is the unique black coat. This solid colour is very distinct.
The body of the Groenendael is strong, the head is elegant, and the entire body displays a powerful nature. The coat is thick and dense, but it does not appear to be extreme on either side of the texture spectrum. This means that the hair is not too wiry or coarse nor does it seem silky or fine. The fur coat is double layered.
The Groenendael is a highly active dog and needs plenty of daily activities. It is happiest in a working capacity where it has duties to perform. If it is a yard dog, then an exercise routine should be used. Training works well for this canine. They respond in a positive way to mental stimulation that the training provides. These dogs are very devoted to people and form an intense bond. The Groenendael is always cautious of strangers and can be reserved. Normally, they do not have an aggressive nature but will defend their family if provoked or threatened.

This type of dog is not only very loyal, but they are also highly intelligent. These are wonderful attributes for a watch dog or guardian. They are also affectionate and confident. Training may be needed as the combination of the aforementioned traits can sometimes spark a demanding or disobedient temperament.