
Warning Signs of Diabetes in Children

Diabetes can develop in children of any age so it’s important to be aware of the warning signs. Nappy rash. Although this can happen for lots of reasons, infants with diabetes are particularly vulnerable to yeast...

Treatments for Diabetes Type 1

Diabetes Type 1 develops when the immune system attacks insulin-secreting cells in the pancreas. This means that the body can’t produce the insulin it needs to regulate blood sugar. At present, there is no way to repair...

Foods to Avoid with Diabetes

When you have diabetes you need to avoid consuming too many sugars at once, as doing so can make your blood glucose level shoot up, harming your body. this doesn’t just mean that you have to avoid sweet foods. It also...

Diabetes Symptoms for Women

Although many diabetes symptoms are the same for everybody, there are some differences between the symptoms most commonly experienced by women and men. It is believed that as many as a third of women living with...

Diabetes Symptoms for Men

Most symptoms of diabetes are the same for everyone, but there are some symptoms that are unique to men, or significantly more common in men than in women. A test for diabetes is usually carried out when a group of...

Diabetes Diagnosis & Treatments

If you have symptoms of diabetes, your doctor will normally recommend a blood test. You will be asked to fast beforehand (this usually means not eating or drinking anything from midnight on the night before, though you...

Can Fasting Cure Diabetes?

Recently, research has shown that controlled fasting can reduce bodyweight and increase insulin sensitivity in some people. Called the 5:2 diet, this involves eating your usual foods in the usual quantities for five...

Best Foods for Managing your Diabetes

When you first start eating a diabetes diet, you’ll be thinking a lot about the foods you should avoid. This can be rather depressing and leave you wondering what is safe to eat. In fact there are lots of healthy...

5 Warning Signs you May Have Diabetes

Tests for diabetes are usually carried out when doctors see two or more symptoms together that can’t easily be explained by other things. These are the five most common symptoms. You feel thirsty all the time. When your...

Diabetes Insipidus Diagnosis & Treatments

Water deprivation test – this is meant to check urine production in the body after depriving water intake for a few hours. A person with positive diabetes insipidus would pass pale and watery urine despite being...

Diabetic retinopathy

This is a condition which has been attributed to be the most common causes for blindness among people in UK. The name retinopathy means damage to the small blood vessels which are responsible for the nourishment of the...

What is Diabetes, type 2?

Diabetes or diabetes mellitus is a chronic condition caused by high sugar levels in the blood. Diabetes is of two types – Type 1 and Type 2. In type 2 diabetes, body develops insulin resistance, that is, body either...

Causes of type 2 diabetes

Insulin hormone produced by the pancreas helps control the blood glucose levels. In type 2 diabetes, either the insulin is not adequately produced or is not effectively used by body cells to move the glucose out from...

Causes of Type 1 diabetes

The cause lies in lack of insulin production by pancreas, hormone that controls blood glucose levels in the body. Once digested food reaches the bloodstream, insulin serves to move sugar out of the blood to the body...

Diabetes, type 1

It’s a condition which is chronic in nature and is caused due to more amount of sugar content in the blood. The statistics show that there are almost 2.3 million people around UK who suffer from this condition. The...

Diabetes insipidus

This is quite a rare condition in which the body is not able to retain enough amount of water and the occurrence of this is almost 1 in 25,000 people. The condition affects people in any range of age and also seen more...