Hernia, Inguinal Repair – 2

Surgery preparation and procedure for inguinal hernia repair: The inguinal hernia repair is done in two ways as described below. Both types of surgery are done under a general anaesthetic. Open surgery – an incision is...


The milk teeth or deciduous teeth are a baby’s first teeth, and these develop inside the womb itself. When the baby is about six to nine months of age, these teeth start to materialize through the child’s gums. This...

Upper limb disorder

Upper limb disorder or the repetitive strain injury (RSI) is a term used to refer to various injuries of muscle, tendons and nerves. The injuries are due to repetitive movement of particular part of the body. The...


Ibuprofen is an analgesic which is used for easing mild or moderate pains like those in migraines or menstrual pains easing the inflammation and pain of musculoskeletal disorders and rheumatic diseases like rheumatoid...

Reiter’s Syndrome

Reiter’s Syndrome takes place as a reaction of infection in some part of our body. Patient’s joints suffer from this reaction and the condition called arthritis inflicts the joint area. As per the survey conducted, the...

Hyperlipidaemia and lipid lowering medicines

The condition in which there are a lot of lipids in the blood is known as hyperlipidaemia. Triglyceride and cholesterol are the 2 important lipids in the blood. It is proved that CHD that is coronary heart disease can...

Smoking Leads to House Fires

The United States Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports smoking is the leading cause of fatal house fires in the United States. They have also stated that, if certain...

Rectal Cancer

Colorectal cancer, commonly called rectal cancer or colon cancer is a medical term used to describe cancer growing in any part of the digestive system. It usually affects the bowel or the rectum and is caused by unusual...

Tay-Sachs Disease

Tay-Sachs disease or simply TSD is a type of genetic condition which is inherited, that leads to the steady and slow damage of the nerve cells inside the brain and in the spinal cord. This is generally caused due to a...


Myopia or short-sightedness refers to a defect in the vision. It happens when the eye is too long from the front to back, or too sharply curved from the cornea. This results in a variance between the focusing power of...

Hernia, Inguinal Repair – 1

A hernia is an internal body part, like an organ, which extends its way through a weak muscle or the tissue wall surrounding it. Normally, muscles are tough and resilient and keep the organs in their positions, however...

Undescended Testicles

In male babies, the testicles develop while inside the womb itself, and by the end of the pregnancy, they move down to the scrotum area. When the child is a year old, both the testicles have to be down in the scrotum...


Chlamydia is the STI or sexually transmitted infection which occurs due to a bacterium by name Chlamydia trachomatis. There are no noticeable symptoms associated with this infection in men as well as women. So in...


In UK, this affects two in every ten people. Seasonal allergic rhinitis is called hayfever. Pollutants such as pollen affect the parts of upper respiratory system, causing hayfever. It is common in spring and summer...

Immunisation in Childhood

Majority of the vaccinations or immunisations are administered in the childhood in the form of injections. The immunisation starts right form the birth of a baby and spreads for five years. A child receives most of his...

Ultrasound scan

Ultrasound scan or the sonograph is used to create an image of the organ in the body. The procedure uses high frequency to create the image. Since the sound waves are used instead of radiation it is considered to be...


Congenital Talipes Equinovarus or CTEV or Talipes as it is most commonly called, is a type of deformation, occurring in the ankles or the foot, generally at the time of birth. The foot is seen to point downwards, and...

Smoking Causes Rapid Aging

Men and women across the United States and Europe have become increasingly aware of their physical appearances. Many of them look for ways to appear younger. They seek out preventive measures to insure that signs of...

Rectal Examination

Rectal examination is related to the problems in the lower abdomen and pelvis. Doctors can take help of this examination to find out various diseases related to this area and it is easy to examine. For the diagnosis...

Hernia II

Causes: Umbilical Hernia occurs due to weakness in the area of the abdominal wall which is situated close to the naval. In pregnancy, the umbilical cord goes through an aperture into the abdominal wall of the baby. This...