The bite any mammal, with the inclusion humans, is very dangerous. The bite causes not only physical damage, but it also causes infections because the germs present in the mammal saliva spreads through the bite. The...
Hameophilia is a disorder of the blood coagulating mechanism. This causes bleeding from injuries for a longer time than normal. This can happen inside the body too, at knees, elbows or ankles. The clotting factors in...
Emphysema is a COPD or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. COPD is a condition when many complications occur in the lungs which include emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and chronic obstruction of airways. The biggest...
Diphtheria can be severely contagious and should not be taken very lightly. Bacteria called Corynebacterium diphtheria are responsible for this disease. Diphtheria affects the respiratory track like the nose, voice box...
A pacemaker is a device that operates with the help of battery and is used to maintain regular heartbeats. The implantation process involves fixing it beneath the skin over chest region. The process is often carried out...
Trichomonas vaginalis is also known as trichomoniasis and is an infection that occurs as a result of the attack by the germ named trichomonas vaginalis. Though both the sexes have equal likelihood to develop the...
Cerebrovascular disease is the group of dysfunctions of the brain which is related to the diseases of blood vessels which supply blood to the brain. Hypertension constitutes the most important trigger that can damage...
The risks of smoking and pregnancy have been discussed for many years, but smoking may also have a negative effect on fertility and conception. Although more studies have been done on the effects of female smoking, male...
Cradle cap is a condition where young babies develop yellowish, greasy scaly patches on their scalp. This generally does not cause any kind of discomfort or itching. Babies get affected with this during the first three...
Depending largely upon the symptoms experienced by an individual and any signs physically, for example, swollen throat and grey throat membrane. During the initial stages of diagnosis if the doctor may think that you...
Hydronephrosis is a condition where the kidneys get swollen or stretched. This condition gets triggered off by a development of pressure when the urine cannot be drained out of the kidney. This development of pressure...
Treatment Treatment of subdural haematoma shall depend on the blood clot type like the size and severity of the symptom. In case subdural haematoma is in small size and not causing severe symptoms, surgery is not...
Plantar fasciitis or plantar fasciosis : this condition occurs due to stretching or straining of the plantar fascia beyond its regular expansion limit. Plantar fascia is a tough ligament running from the calcaneum or...
Definition Cataract is defined as loss of opacity in the lens present in the eye. The lens in the eye is the reason why people can adjust to different distances within seconds, these lens are clear. They are made of...
There are several risk factors for developing diabetes, including hypertension and smoking. Smoking half a pack of cigarettes a day does more than increases your blood pressure. It also raises the risk of developing...
Fatigue and tiredness If extreme tiredness is experienced, your doctor shall asses this initially and check out the reason for it is any thing other than MS like poor diet or medication. In case it is because of MS...
Commonly known as moisturisers emollients are skin creams that protect the outer layer of skin. They cover the skin with a protective layer thus reducing water loss from the epidermis. Emollients keep the water content...
The coloured marks on the skin or below the skin surface is called as birthmark. Medically, it is known as naevus. These are not hereditary. A birthmark developing before or just after the birth of the baby is called as...
Diagnosis The GP can usually diagnose measles from the visible symptoms like the red-brown spotty skin rash and small spots inside the mouth. The diagnosis can be confirmed by a blood or saliva test for presence of...
Skin cells like all cells have a life cycle. Old cells are replaced by new ones regularly. In case of skin cells the entire process takes about 21-28 days. Psoriasis is a condition where this process is speeded up. It...
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