Hepatitis A

Virus A of hepatitis causes a infection resulting in Hepatitis A. This leads to inflammation of liver. Viral hepatitis is very common amongst people.
Hepatitis A mostly occurs in countries where in the sewage disposal and sanitation facilities are very poor like eastern & southern Europe, Central America, southern and northern Asia and Africa. Young adults and children are mostly affected. This virus comes in contact by taking contaminated food of anyone with hepatitis A. Hepatitis A is normally a acute infection. The symptoms are quite unpleasant and very occasionally can get serious. People in any age group can be affected by it. It takes about six to two weeks for developing infection, ones you come in contact with virus. This is called Incubation period.


At times no hepatitis A symptoms occur in few people especially in young children. Mentioned below are few symptoms that everyone needs to be know:
Symptoms of flu like tiredness, general pains and aches, fever and headache, diarrhoea, vomiting or nausea and low appetite, abdominal pains and Jaundice occurs because of inflammation of liver.
The severity and length of hepatitis A differs. Symptoms of flue are experienced for one week which follows by jaundice. Feeling of tiredness may remain for couple of months. Recovery is possible within one to two months, however few might also experience relapses and symptoms can persist for six months. After completely recovering from hepatitis A, you get immune to it and shall never develop this condition again.


Virus of hepatitis A is found in the stools of the infected person. Areas which have poor sanitation and are overcrowded can be a cause of spreading this virus. Oral faecal route from one person to another because of poor hygiene is the common route for the virus to spread. For example, If you consume food cooked by infected person and if he has not washed his hands, the virus is spread. Drinking water also can be source, if it has got contaminated because of poor sewage treatment, vegetables and fruits, uncooked food, preparation of food by water which is contaminated.


You need to consult the GP in case symptoms of hepatitis A are experienced. With the help of blood test your GP shall diagnose hepatitis A. If positive reactions are shown to antibodies that means the body itself is producing antibodies to fight against hepatitis A virus.


Hepatitis A does not have a specific treatment and recoveries are possible in couple of months. Fatty foods need to be avoided in case you feel sick. Maintain a healthy and normal diet. Alcohol should be avoided as the liver is inflamed. Alcohol intake should be in control after recovery. Hospitalization is possible at times for a short period. Fluids will be inserted in the body by drips, in case symptoms worsen. Hospital treatment may also be required in case you have severe itching because of jaundice.
Strict hygiene needs to be maintained and make sure to wash hands before cooking food and after going to the toilet.


Complication seldom occur with hepatitis A. recovery is possible with couple of months without causing any damage to the liver although the experience is unpleasant. People with congestive heart problems, anaemia, diabetes and also older people can take longer time for recovery. In case the liver severely get inflamed which can result in failure of liver; this infection can get fatal then. Particularly in elderly people with weak immune system.
In case you have travel plans to countries like Eastern Europe, far east, south & central America, Africa and Indian subcontinent where this virus is quite common, you are recommended to get yourself immunization of hepatitis A. Free vaccinations are available for polio, tetanus, meningitis C, typhoid and hepatitis A. One injection is recommended before 6-4 weeks of travelling and booster doses after 12-6 months. After couple of weeks protection begins for hepatitis A vaccine. In case you have come in contact with infected person, a protection for short term in form of antibodies injection known as immunoglobulin is given. Immunoglobulin is given within couple of weeks after subjecting yourself to virus of hepatitis A.
The most effective prevention is by maintaining personal hygiene. Just by washing hands frequent after using the toilet and before cooking food. Few other precautions are by not sharing toothbrush, towels and cutleries.


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