Herp Health

In order to keep your reptile healthy so that it can live a long happy life, there are a number of things you are going to need to do for it.

Obviously, it will need a clean and safe environment to live in. Temperature and humidity must be monitored in order to assure that it stays bacteria, parasite and stress-free.

Along with the need for a clean and safe environment, you must keep a careful eye on its diet. Is your reptile eating the foods it needs to, Is its water clean enough to drink and swim in if it must, Many reptiles need some kind of vitamin supplement in their diet since their lives are very different then in the wild. It is important that you deliver the vitamins in a way that the reptile can and will get enough to satisfy its nutritional requirements.

How is the lighting in your reptile’s home, Does it have day and night which are appropriate for its species, You can purchase special lights that your reptile can’t see so you can observe its nocturnal activities easily without interrupting the cycles of day and night that it needs to stay comfortable.

Perhaps most important of all, you will need a veterinarian who is well educated on the special needs of your herp. While most vets are educated people with good intentions, special training is required to even begin to treat the variety of reptiles pet owners enjoy. Make sure your vet understands herp needs and is willing answer any questions you might have on the care and well-being of your reptile.

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