
A therapy which is complementary is called Homeopathy, meaning its one among various therapies related to health care considered other than conventional medicine. Chiropractic, acupuncture, osteopathy are few other complementary therapies.
A Physician from Germany, Samuel Hahnemann developed Homeopathy towards the end of 18th Century. As he was on satisfied with his time medicines, he started research on alternative treatments. He started his experiments to common remedies by giving doses repeatedly to volunteers in good health and noted their symptoms. This resulted in a discovery that by swallowing certain quantities of common substance will produce some symptoms which are similar to that of some medical conditions.
For example, malaria can be cured by Peruvian bark as claimed by herbalists. Hahnemann swallowed Peruvian bark in small quantity and started to experience symptoms of malaria like agitation, drowsiness, thirst and fever. Eventually a theory was found by Hahnemann known as the Law of Similar, which states that like cures like. According to this theory if a condition that causes symptoms is consumed in small quantities it has the ability to cure medical condition of similar symptoms.
Remedies in Homeopathy stimulate the body’s healing process which treats the individual’s condition. It also claims that it not only treats people on basis of symptoms but it is also holistic, taking in consideration of the individual’s spirit, body and mind.

What is Homeopathy used for

As per Homeopath, Homeopathy has the tendency to treat the body with its own potential of self repair. Hence any condition can be treated by homeopathy. In case of chronic and acute medical conditions homeopathy is also recommended. It is only a complementary treatment and should not take the place of any conventional treatment.
Problem like physical injury, damaged joints and broken limbs are not treated by Homeopaths. Also asthma or epileptic seizure, diabetic coma, heart stroke or attack and other fatal conditions shouldn’t be treated by homeopaths. Remedies of Homeopathy are very safe and recommended to people in any age group.

How is homeopathy performed

Diagnosis of homeopathy is based on the below mentioned elements:
physical symptoms ( for example: pain, feverish and blocked nose),
present emotional state (e.g. weepy, irritable), and
Individual’s general constitution (e.g. lifestyle, physical attributes, temperament).
Consultation with homeopath can last for two to one hour. All details concerning you like fears, dislikes, likes, lifestyle, family history, emotional health and physical health will be analyzed. On the basis of this information with the symptoms that occur a suitable remedy is selected. To know whether the remedy prescribed is working and is right, follow up visit will be required. At times homeopaths suggest regular visits in case of conditions which are long term to make sure that general health of the individual is maintained. Remedies of homeopathic can be in various ways like daily treatment spread over many weeks to single dose. Frequency of these doses depends on severity of individuals and strength of remedy of the individual’s condition. Mostly one remedy is prescribed at a given time by the homeopaths and effects are observed, if necessary the remedies are changed. It is knows as the classical homeopathy. Few others follow complex homeopathy, wherein combination of remedies are prescribed instead of one.

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