Hospital Admission Part 1

At times, treatment and care received from optician, dentist or a GP is not enough to treat the problem. Hence it becomes necessary to get yourself admitted in the hospital for complete treatment. Depending on the nature of treatment the duration of stay varies. It can take 2 months or 2 hours. Other than emergency cases, your optician, dentist or GP shall arrange the hospital treatment.
NHS hospitals
NHS hospitals provide free appointments and treatment. As it is managed by trust, the money spent is to deliver quality and effective healthcare to all. Professional service and support is provided by health care consultants to all the patients who are anxious about being admitted in the hospital. In case of complex treatment, patients are admitted in a regional or national centre, wherein specialized care is available. Few hospitals are affiliated to universities which help in training students undertaking medicines. It is very common for a medical student being present while your treatment, only if you are comfortable.
Types of Hospital admission

Three types of Admission in hospitals are available like, inpatient, out patient and day patient. Depending on the treatment and tests either of the three is recommended. Details are mentioned below:
Outpatient: This appointment is given in case you need an specialist opinion. You are not admitted in the hospital.
Day patient: In case only tests have to be carried out and no overnight stay is involved this appointment is given. It is also referred as Day case.
Inpatient: In case a bed is required in hospital for over night stay to carry out surgery and tests. This appointment will be given.
Your appointment details
The hospital shall provide appointment details with time, date and directions, irrespective of the care required. You take appointments on telephone on a appropriate day. You shall be informed the due course of the appointment. Telephone numbers are also provided to you in case you have further queries.
Service description

Your treatment

Irrespective of your admission as a inpatient, outpatient or day patient, health care consultants will inform you about your condition. They shall also provide detailed description of the treatment. In this interactive session, you can also ask questions and have detailed discussion about your treatment. A written consent should be given by you in case you decide to go ahead with the treatment. Any decisions throughout the treatment will involve your consent. Privacy will be provided to you as long as you stay in the hospital. Record can also be shown in case you want to see them. Sensitivity will be maintained by the healthcare professionals towards your cultural, spiritual and religious needs. Treatment received by you shall not have any influence of disability, age or gender as health care is the utmost priority. You can also request any of the staff members to keep any of your relative or friend updated on your progress.
Single-sex accommodation
As per the guidelines of government on maintaining dignity and privacy of patients, the NHS has to provide and accommodate single sex patients. This means:
Separated sleeping beds for women and men,
Separate toilet and bathroom facilities for women and men,
Services for mental health patients by NHS trust.
Accommodation for single sex comes in different forms like:
Wards for single sex
Several beds with bays for single sex,
Rooms for single occupant

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