How to Cure Diabetes without Medication

Although there is no complete diabetes cure, it is possible to get rid of many of the most unpleasant and distressing symptoms of the disease. If you’ve managed to get help at an early stage and your diabetes is not to advanced, you may be able to do this without medication. In some cases, diabetic people who have been dependent on medication can live without it if they have weight reduction surgery.

There are several things you can do to treat diabetes symptoms. They include avoiding foods with a high glycaemic index, maintaining a healthy weight and exercising. Although not a diabetes cure, they can help you to live a healthier life.

Your diabetes nurse or dietician can help you to plan out a special diabetes diet that keeps your blood glucose at a healthy level. This is done by avoiding sugary foods and also avoiding foods that are high in carbohydrates but low in fibre, which the body can break down quickly to release a lot of glucose at once. Eating complex carbohydrates that release glucose slowly can help you to maintain healthy energy levels all day and avoid feeling ill or fatigued.

Diabetes is aggravated by the presence of a lot of fat on the body, especially around the belly. Even after the disease has developed, obese people can cue diabetes symptoms to some extent by shedding fat. This starts with reducing the amount of trans fats in your diet. If you really struggle to lose weight, you could be a candidate for weight loss surgery. There are several forms of this available, and although they carry some risk, they could drastically reduce your symptoms and even make it possible for you to stay healthy without medicine, acting as a partial diabetes cure.

Exercise helps in two ways. Firstly, it makes it easier for you to maintain a healthy weight. A physiotherapist can show you how to focus on exercise that reduces the build-up of belly fat. Secondly, it helps to regulate your metabolism, stabilising your body and reducing the swings in blood glucose level that make you feel unwell. A physio can teach you how to schedule the exercise you do for best results.

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