
Hydrocephalus is a state that takes place when there is excessive CSF (cerebrospinal fluid) in the cavities of the ventricles of the brain. The cerebrospinal fluid is fabricated in the brain, and is essential for the body to safeguard the spinal cord and the brain, and to take away squander from the brain cells. It runs constantly through the ventricles of the brain and on the facade of the spinal cord and the brain.
Whatever surplus cerebrospinal fluid generally pumps out from the brain is taken in by the body. Whereas people who suffer from hydrocephalus it is not the same as the CSF accumulates in the cavities of the ventricles.
When there is excessive CSF it gets very harmful as it exerts pressure on the brain tissues. Therefore it is necessary to get it treated so as to let loose the pressure. Hydrocephalus is a state which generally builds up in people who have crossed the age of 60, but it can even build up in older children or adults or could even be present at birth that is it could be congenital. This condition is normally a result of the duct of the cerebrospinal fluid slowly getting clogged- up.


The indications of hydrocephalus would show discrepancy depending on at what stage it could be, how old the person is and various complications he or she may have.
In case of children, the skull is not totally developed as the bones of the skull are yet being formed as compared to adults, thus this condition could cause enlargement in the size of the head. Therefore there could be a considerable increase in the size or it would appear abnormally bigger than normal. Whereas in infants who suffer with the condition would be subjected to indications like irritability, vomiting, less movement compared to normal, poor appetite and delay in growth and maturity. Most of the children who suffer from hydrocephalus also show indications which could be mistaken for mischievousness, such as not concentrating, swearing, verbally assaulting people and usually abnormal conduct. These children may also experience problems with education in school.
Whereas in grown – ups the skull is fully developed and is not capable of adjusting to changes in pressure, thus the indications of rise in the cerebrospinal fluid would be as follows:

  • Incontinence in urine,
  • Usually vomiting after a headache,
  • Having difficulty while walking,
  • Nausea
  • A lot of ungainliness and poor management,
  • Tetchiness,
  • Downward divergence of the eyes that is the eyes usually look downwards, and various other changes in character.

Whereas in elderly people, the normal pressure hydrocephalus is more often mistaken for Alzheimer’s disease or Parkinson’s disease, as the indications are almost the same, and the conditions are also quite common among the older people. Thus it is very important for it to be diagnosed well as the indications can often be inverted and hydrocephalus can be treated.


Hydrocephalus is a condition which if not treated will get worse over a period of time. And in a few cases could even affect and damage the major functions of the brain, like the heartbeat and breathing.
One out of 3 children suffering from hydrocephalus would develop epilepsy, in any case whether they undergo treatment or not, but this also can be treated.

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