Instant wrinkle removers and where to find them

As we get older, its inevitable that our skin shows signs of ageing with wrinkles being the primary problem. However, it’s not insurmountable as there are anti-ageing skin care products on the market specifically designed to help improve the look of wrinkles. And the good news is that there are ones to suit every budget.

In this article we will look at what causes wrinkles, lifestyle changes that can help improve the look and feel of the skin, and what to look for in wrinkle treatments to get the best results. Creams, serums and oils claiming to remove wrinkles instantly can be found everywhere, and the only way to discover whether they work or not is to try them out.  There are, of course, procedures such as Botox and laser treatment which will have an instant effect. If that is the route that is chosen, then doing research on what’s involved and getting information from the clinic who will be carrying these out is extremely important.

Firstly, why do we get wrinkles? They are a natural part of the aging process and as people get older, the skin gets drier, thinner, less elastic and less able to protect itself from damage. Environmental factors, too, such as smoking can increase the speed at which wrinkles are developed.

Things to do in conjunction with using wrinkle creams to help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles are to keep out of the sun and always use sunscreen, even in cooler weather. Drink lots of water to maintain hydration which helps the skin, eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and eat foods containing protein as it is an important building block of bones, muscles, skin, cartilage. Also, smoking is bad for the skin as is drinking too much alcohol because it dehydrates the body and is believed to deprive the skin essential nutrients and vitamins.

Anti-wrinkle creams can be found in shops, beauty salons, drugstores and on the internet. All will say that they will help reduce wrinkles or reverse and prevent the damage already done. Some claim that they are instant wrinkle removers. Common ingredients include Retinol which is a vitamin A compound, and the first antioxidant to be widely used in non-prescription wrinkle creams – antioxidants neutralise free radicals which are unstable oxygen molecules that break down skin cells and cause wrinkles. Vitamin C is another thing to look out for as it may help protect skin from sun damage, plus Hydroxy acids which are exfoliants that remove the upper layer of dead skin and stimulate the growth of smooth and evenly pigmented new skin. Peptides have been used to help heal wounds and stretch marks and is now used for wrinkles, then Coenzyme 10 may help reduce the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes. Finally, look for green, black and oolong tea extracts which contain compounds with anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and grape seed extract which promotes wound healing and has anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Typing in instant wrinkle remover into a search engine will bring up a lot of results, including fillers to be used after the application of make-up, instant wrinkle erasers, creams and solutions, but to get the best longer-term results, using creams regularly with some simple lifestyle changes is more likely to have the best effects.

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