Customer services are big businesses; companies want you to believe that they offer the best, so a good strong customer service team is essential, whether face to face in a shop or council office, or over the telephone...
Exams are known to be very stressful things, but by learning to cope with them you can reduce the stress on yourself and have a better experience than if you don’t learn to cope and struggle your way through. You should...
Once you finish school, at the end of year 11, you will have to decide what to do next; you can simply leave, as compulsory education has finished or you can choose to stay in education, in which case you have a number...
Once you reach year 11 you will be asked to make more choices about your future, so being aware of them now is no bad thing, as you will have at least some idea of where you are going. One of the most common choices is...
Once year 11 is finished you are going to be asked to make a decision about where to go next, whether you want to remain in education or whether you want to leave and get a job. One option that isn’t often considered...
You are within two years of finishing school and at the end of year 11 you will have to decide what to do next. For some people this may be excellent news, but for others it can be a very scary time, so getting armed...
Although it is not for a couple of years, you will be aware that your compulsory education finishes at the end of year 11. After that you are going to have to decide where to go next, so being aware of your options now...
With the rise to fame of so many TV chefs, the attraction of being a chef is growing, and more and more young people are interested in taking this up as a career. However, don’t be fooled by the TV glitz and glam; being...
AS stands for Advanced Subsidiary, which means that this qualification isn’t as high as an A level, but it is higher than a GCSE, which could be useful for you if you feel that stepping straight up to an A level could...
Joining the Army is a popular career choice for many young people, as they feel they will be offered security, a good job and good pay. This is certainly the case, so it is worth looking into. However, you will have to...
If you are lucky enough to be successful at interview and get that all-important phone call that says ‘Congratulations you have been successful we would like to offer you the job’ you may begin to wonder what you have...
Being an apprentice was common in olden times, but then it lost its popularity. However, in the last 20 years the government have started pushing the apprenticeship as an excellent way to boost the workforce and give...
An administrator performs many roles in an office environment. However, all of these roles involve things like typing, filing, photocopying and taking minutes at meetings. This is becoming an increasingly popular...
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