Male Thrush – 1

Thrush is a yeast infection caused by fungus called candida albicans, hence it is also referred to as cadida or candidosis. This fungus is normally present in small numbers in the body at all times, especially in warm, moist parts such as mouth and genitals, its growth is kept under control by the body’s immune system and other bacteria. However, it is when the fungus grows uncontrollably, it causes infection.
It is not a sexually transmitted infection (STI) and is actually more common in sexually inactive men. However, the infection can get worse during sexual intercourse and may be transferred from one partner to the other during sex.
Thrush affects women often as candida albicans fungus is found in the vagina, however, men can sometimes develop this infection. Thrush has more possibility to appear in men with foreskin, as warmth and moisture helps candida to multiply faster.

Symptoms of Male thrush

The symptoms of thrush infection appear when the fungus has already multiplied. The main symptom is balanitis or inflammation of penis.
Balanitis – Balantis or inflammation of penis has the below features
Pain when passing urine
Problem in pulling back of foreskin
Discharge from penis. A cheese-like discharge collects under the foreskin, it is called smegma and smells like yeast
Glans or head of penis becomes sore, red and itchy.
Appearance of small red spots on head of penis (glans)
Some men might get an allergy to yeast and develop swelling or cracking of foreskin.

Causes of male thrush

It is caused by Candida albicans fungus is present in small amounts in the body, the growth of which is kept under control by body’s immune system and some harmless bacteria. Infection arises when the fungus starts to grow or multiply uncontrollably. It can occur when the good bacteria get destroyed due to reasons like some antibiotic medication which cannot differentiate between good and bad bacteria, thus killing the harmless bacteria as well. Another reason could be weak immune system which allows the fungus to multiply.
Personal hygiene is an important causal factor. The bacteria grow in warm and moist conditions. So keeping the penis dry after washing and avoiding skin damage and irritation by use of perfumed shower gels or soaps can help to prevent bacteria growth.
Conditions like HIV and diabetes tend to weaken the body’s immune system thus promoting bacteria growth. The infection develops fast as the body’s immune system is not capable to fight it. Uncontrolled diabetes also increases chances of developing thrash, so it is important to notice early signs of diabetes, excessive thirst and urination, weight loss.

Prevention of male thrush

Good personal hygiene – keep the penis dry and clean, use condom while sex, avoid use of perfumed shower gels and soaps, wear loose fitting cotton underwear – all these would help keeping the growth of candida fungus under control and thrush at bay.
Healthy lifestyle – include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet, cut down on high-sugar and high-fat foods, exercise regularly for minimum 30 minutes everyday, or depending on your body fitness level, avoid unnecessary stress – all these help maintain body’s immunity and keep infections like thrush at bay.

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