Although thoughts of hiring a marquee for your reception may create visions of a soft breeze fluttering lightly through to your guests, fanning them in the summer heat and carrying with it a delightful fragrance from the surrounding gardens, in reality it can be far from the dream.
The reality may be your guests huddling together as the wind whips through the marquee snapping the fabric wildly as you listen to it slapping against the struts, staring at the roof, wondering if any minute now is it going to rip in two. Suddenly the heavens open and a deluge of rain and strong winds have your guests racing for cover, as cutlery, glassware, food and decorations go flying. In the confusion as everyone races for cover, the flower girl slips in the newly created mud and the bride is the only one close enough to pick her up. As she does so her beautiful dress is covered in dirt, her perfectly created hairdo is now slick and stuck to her head from the pouring rain and mascara is running down her once perfectly made up face.
The perfect day has become the stuff of memories, but perhaps not the memories one had hoped for.
Planning your reception months or even years in advance you need to be aware that you have no control over the weather. Whilst only a few days could turn out as described above, it is good to take precautions to ensure that regardless of the weather, you will still be able to hold your perfect reception.
Marquees part two

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