The Medifast diet is a very low-calorie diet program which relies upon a core diet of meal replacement options to help dieters shed pounds quickly. Medifast began 27 years ago as a prescription meal replacement program, which was only obtainable through specific doctors. The Medifast plan is quite simple, their tagline is “5 plus 1”, which means dieters consume five meal replacement items daily and one “lean and green” meal.
The “lean and green” component is made up of fish or lean meat along with green vegetables or salad. Dieters who adhere to the Medifast plan can expect to lose 2-5 pounds a week, depending upon their physical activity level. Medifast foods are available only through Medifast and include shakes, puddings, oatmeal, soups, eggs, meal bars and chilis.
One of the most difficult parts of meal-replacement diets is when dieters make the transition from the Medifast plan back to eating regular foods. Medifast’s transition period can last from 4-16 weeks depending upon how much weight is lost. During this time, you gradually begin to introduce different foods back into your diet. Dieters must exercise their knowledge of portion control as well as their body.
While this is a very easy to follow diet plan which can yield substantial weight loss if followed correctly, most nutritionists advise consulting with your doctor before beginning this plan. No supplementation is needed with the Medifast plan and it is a balanced low-calorie plan, but there can be complications when your caloric intake is below 1200 a day.
Medifast Diet

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