The Newfoundland dog breed, originating from the Canadian island of Newfoundland, is often known as the ‘Gentle Giant’. This is a very accurate way to describe the dog. It is very large in size, but is also known as one of the nicest and most accommodating dog breeds. The Newfoundland, also known as the Newf or Newfie for short, can be a great pet for families as long as they have a large home with a big yard for the dog to play in.
Newfoundlands are classified as a ‘giant’ breed of dog based on their weight class. They can vary between 45 and 70 kilograms, although the largest recorded Newfoundland was 120 kilograms. They can also vary in height between 55 and 71 centimetres.
While Newfoundlands are large based on weight and height, they appear even larger based on their long coat. They have very fluffy, soft fur that tends to stick out in all directions. Although they have been known to display many coat colours, not all of these are accepted by kennel clubs. The Kennel Club in England only recognizes brown, black and landseer colours, while The American Kennel Club also recognizes grey.

This dog breed makes for a great pet. They are very loyal to their owners and tend to have a lovable nature. Unlike many dog breeds, they are accepting of strangers as well as other animals. Unless they are being threatened, Newfoundlands welcome anyone into their family. They are also a valiant dog as there have been a number of incidents were Newfoundlands have saved someone from drowning.