Judging strictly by appearance, many believe that the Northern Inuit Dog is a wolf at first glance. On the contrary, these dogs are only bred to look similar to wolves without any of the nasty behavioural side effects. Although Northern Inuit Dogs are a bit of a fickle breed, they are still a good pet for families.
Northern Inuit Dogs are large in size and very athletic. They like to use their energy to move around and play. Because of this, they need to live in an area with wide open spaces. They can’t stay cooped up in the house all day, or they will get restless, unhappy and unhealthy. Instead, they do best in the outdoors with a large yard. It’s important to give Northern Inuit Dogs a lot of daily exercise.
This dog breed is considered very large with a strong build. Female Northern Inuit Dogs should be a minimum of 56 centimetres tall, while male Northern Inuit Dogs are a bit taller at a minimum of 64 centimetres tall. Their ears are carried erect and come to a point at the top of their head. They have a double layered coat that has a rough texture. Their colours range from all white to all black. In between, they can have splashes of grey or sable colour as well.

Although Northern Inuit Dogs can behave and obey their master, they can also be fairly stubborn. Make sure to be consistent with training so that your dog becomes accustomed to your methods.